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Non-inflammatory cancer immunotherapy

Lucas Czentner, Gert Storm
Utretch, Holland

Ayuvant is revolutionizing RNA therapeutics with its breakthrough AYU nanoparticle platform. Unlike existing delivery systems that are inflammatory and toxic, Ayuvant's biocompatible nanoparticles safely encapsulate and deliver RNA payloads. This novel approach enables safer, repeatable RNA therapies across oncology, vaccines, genetic disorders and more.

Ayuvant's lead candidate AYU-0134 activates dendritic cells to stimulate the immune system's attack on cancer. Impressive preclinical data in multiple tumor models showed strong anti-tumor efficacy and synergy with checkpoint inhibitors - addressing a major limitation in immuno-oncology.

The company was founded by Lucas Czentner, whose pioneering work cracked the code on non-inflammatory nanoparticle delivery, and world-renowned nanomedicine expert Prof. Gert Storm alongside an accomplished team with decades of drug development experience at pharma giants like GSK and Novartis.

Ayuvant is initially targeting the $2.7B first-line liver cancer market, with a fast path enabled by orphan drug designation. Longer-term, the AYU platform holds multi-billion dollar potential across a range of oncology indications as well as next-frontiers like genetic medicine and vaccines.

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